My friend, Rob Sawyer, once claimed (more like swore) that I was the spitting image of Monte Markham, the actor who played Barney Miller, the title character in an episode of the Six Million Dollar Man titled “The Seven Million Dollar Man”. Eventually we had a few people gathered around the TV at Rob’s place where he proudly popped in a videotape with this particular episode so that he could show people just how much we looked alike. The short story on this one is that only Rob thought I looked like Monte Markam (or vice versa). Which brings me to this blog entry.
Over on Facebook where I keep a page, people occasionally post these “My Celebrity Lookalike” things which I which I glance at and occasionally shake my head in wonder. Today, for some reason, I decided to try my own collage based on’s face recognition software. The result is posted below. Sorry, Rob, no Monte Markham in the list.