Sandy Hook : God Did It

In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, a number of religious leaders came forward to suggest that our rejection of God in schools is responsible for this tragedy. These people claim that since secular society has been removing prayer from schools, God refused to step in and stop the Gunman, Lanza, from killing 20 children and 7 adults.

What's truly amazing about this reasoning is that it puts the blame squarely on God. Either God could have prevented this and he didn't, which makes his a deplorable and vindictive monster, or he couldn't, in which case he isn't much of a God or he simply doesn't exist. If I were a thinking religious person at these times, I'd want to go with the final option, God doesn't exist. Any other alternative, especially that he allowed this to happen because people weren't prostrating themselves behore him or singing his praises makes him the worst kind of megalomaniacal monster, a being of pure evil.

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